

by Trooper Tru McCray

Konnichi-wa, fellow Pink Lady fans! It is time once again for the Trooper’s Review. The subject for this review is a concert special they did in 1997: Saikai Pink Lady! Of course before the actual concert, we see Japan’s Dynamic Duo in a classroom – which I believe to be from their youngster years before they started singing together. They were talking and reminiscing about old times… especially about when they auditioned on “Birth of a Star (Star Tanjo)”. They sang two songs from their early days – one of which was “Heya Wo Dete Kudasai”.

 Next we are being taken to the backstage area, where MIE & KEI are stretching their bodies and exercising in preparation for their upcoming concert. Then we meet some Pink Lady fans who are quite eager to see their heroes perform. And now… LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

The first song is an all-time favorite: “UFO!” For this number, our heroes are aptly dressed; their outfits are literally “out of this world!”! For their next song… Oh no! Do we have an intergalactic emergency already? I think we should send out an “SOS”! Next up… Oh my goodness! Is “Carmen” popular in outer space as well? (Song performed: “Carmen ‘77”) And everywhere that “Carmen” went, “Sindbad” was sure to go! (Song performed: “Nagisa No Sindbad (Sindbad at the Beach)”)

 Then we go into a musical interlude so MIE & KEI can change outfits for the next few songs. This musical interlude turned out to be a rocking musical version of “Nagisa No Sindbad (Sindbad at the Beach)” with a saxophone and an electric guitar as the lead instruments. Next up, we go into a few solo numbers from MIE. The first song is “Love Jail”. But before MIE comes out, we are blessed with a rather dazzling routine from some very athletic dancers. After a while, MIE comes out – looking rather exotic in purple. Next up, we go into a rather emotional rendition of “Memory”.

 After that rather emotional rendition of “Memory”, we change the pace for an energetic rendition of “Never”. Now we go into a few solo numbers from KEI! She comes out looking rather elegant in a long pink evening gown with a black feather boa. The first song is a very sultry rendition of “La La La Means I Love You”. Next up, she channels Carole King with a jazzy rendition of “It’s Too Late”. Then she goes into one of her own classics: “Sparrow (Su-su-mei)”.

 Uh-oh! Another musical interlude! And from the sound of the beginning percussive riffs, it sounds like “Pink Typhoon” is next! First we’re being entertained by the backup singers and the dancers. After about three minutes… HERE THEY ARE!!! Our heroes, MIE & KEI, are rocking this song in a style that only Pink Lady can use. Then… just when we think only women knew how to play hard-to-get, MIE & KEI prove us all wrong when they sing about a man who plays hard-to-get in “Wanted”. Next up, we have a little something for the baseball fans: “Southpaw”.

 After conversing with the audience, they go into my favorite emotional ballad: “OH!”This would then lead us to another musical interlude… when we see MIE & KEI going through yet another costume change. Then we go into the making of “Pink Eyed Soul”. And before you know it, that song is being performed LIVE!!! And check out the outfits – exotic pink with feathered jackets and feathers in their hair! Now they remove their jackets for… my all-time PL favorite: “Sergeant Pepper (Pepper Keibu)”!

 And now, the final bows. They express their gratitude for the audience during a reprise of “OH!” …thus bringing this Trooper to very emotional-yet-happy tears.  The concert is finished. Once again, I thank my fellow Chicagoan Joshua Parris for bringing Pink Lady back to my attention back in 2009, I thank Jeffrey Branch for creating the “Pink Lady America” website, and I thank Mitsuyo Nemoto & Keiko Masuda for bringing Pink Lady to this world.

 And most of all, I thank all of you for loving Pink Lady as much as I do. See ya next time, Think Pink, and God Bless.