

by Trooper Tru McCray

This Trooper has been a fan of Pink Lady (Mitsuyo Nemoto-Tsukuda & Keiko Masuda-Kuwaki) since 1980. That year, I was only 6 going on 7… and the “Pink Lady & Jeff” show was being aired on NBC. The very minute I saw them, I fell in love with them almost instantly. At this time, I shall give all of youz – my fellow Pink Lady fans – the lowdown on “Remixes” by Pink Lady. 

Southpaw (Rock the Paradise Mix)

When I first heard this high-energy rock rendition of this song on the “Rare Trax” CD, I instantly thought to myself: “Now this is how you rock out to a Pink Lady song!” On ultra-nice days when I am riding my bicycle, this is one of the songs I play on my iPod. 

Wanted (Happy Jack Mix)

While listening to this particular version of “Wanted”, I could not picture the Ladies doing their usual dance moves to it at all. Instead, I pictured them at the clubs hunting down the men of their dreams and trap them into going home with them… by using some ultra-fancy dance steps. 

UFO (Adamski Mix ’99)
I pictured the Ladies driving around outer space in a convertible spaceship. This spaceship was more like a 1980 convertible car… but instead of actual wheels, there were jet propulsors. Anyway, I visualized MIE & KEI driving around the reaches of space while singing this re-made Pink Lady classic. 

Nagisa No Sindbad (a.k.a. Sindbad at the Beach, Bio R, Acid Mix)

This version of the song might as well be called “Sindbad at the Clubs” because of the way this remix was put together. While listening to this version, I visualized Sindbad making his move on every female at the club – before getting turned down each time. And after getting turned down by every female in the club, Sindbad was met by MIE & KEI – who then flirted with Sindbad for a while… and when the song was over, they left the poor wannabe-mack-daddy-pimp standing alone. 

Kiss in the Dark (House Odyssey Mix)

I totally got into this version of “Kiss in the Dark”. While listening to this remix, I visualized MIE & KEI performing before a very lively disco crowd. And for those who may have seen the special dinner concert from 1990, you may remember MIE & KEI doing some rather unique (and very stylish) dance solos. Actually, KEI went first.

Going back to this remix… After they would do their dance solos, they would come back together and perform the 2nd verse and final choruses over again. Overall, this Trooper enjoyed this remix of “Kiss in the Dark.”

M & K Hit Mix

This mix of PL classics was just simply awesome. And of course, they had to end it with “Kiss in the Dark.” 

BOTTOM LINE: Remix or original, this Trooper remains a fan of Pink Lady… now and forever.