

a review by Trooper Tru McCray

Konnichi-wa and welcome back to the Trooper’s Review! Today’s subject is [one of] Pink Lady’s farewell concerts (more like “hiatus concerts” in my opinion, but anyway…). This one was held on the 31st of March 1981 at Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo, and it was called “Sayonara Pink Lady”. 

There was a lot going on at Korakuen Stadium: In the audience, every seat was full. In select parts of the stadium itself, people were running around with signs and/or pom-poms. The band was warming up in preparation for Pink Lady’s arrival. 

After a few warm-up riffs, the music changed to signal the arrival of Japan’s Dynamic Duo. They came out at the same time, but from separate entrances (their names would be above their respective doorways). MIE arrived in a beige-toned convertible with orange tinsel draped over parts of it; KEI’s vehicle was white with slight tinge of pink – with orange and pink tinsel. Both vehicles had balloons tied to the rear, and both MIE & KEI wore pink feathered outfits. Just before the lap around the stage area was completed, the music changed again for “I Love How You Love Me”. While the Ladies were singing, they continued waving to the audience. After a while, they were pretty close to the stage itself. They came together and finished the song while going on stage. Before we knew it, the music changed again for the next song: “Two from the Star (Hoshikarakitafutari)”

Then they start talking to the audience. Unfortunately I neither speak nor understand Japanese, so I couldn’t rightly tell you what they were saying… but I did feel a bit sentimental as if I knew what they were saying. After they talked to the audience, it was time for the music once again. And what do you know?!? It’s my favorite PL song of all time: “Sergeant Pepper (Pepper Keibu)”! Before we all knew what would happen next, it was all part of a round-the-stage medley! Among the songs in the medley were: “SOS”, “Carmen 77”, & “Sindbad at the Beach (Nagisa No Sindbad)”. Between each song, MIE & KEI were moving rather quickly from one spot to the next… on a wet floor! It must have rained that day, but Pink Lady would not let that stop them from giving their absolute best. Then it’s solo time. They each performed a solo while riding their own “personalized” hydraulic lift. KEI went first with a song that I had never heard before, then MIE with a song in English: “You Are My One”.

Width16000Width3 Next up: All aboard… the Pink Express! MIE & KEI climb atop this miniature trolley-train to perform another medley of hits including: "Your Toast Girl", "Pink Apple (Pinku No Ringo)", "Mystery Man With a Pipe", "Run Away Lady", "Lady X", "Monster", "Invisible Man (Tomei Ningen)" and "Chameleon Army". The train ride is over, and our Japanese Dynamic Duo is back on the stage. KEI gives a little speech and then the music starts again. While the music goes, they slip out of those pink feathered outfits to reveal classy white outfits. Then it’s on to the next set: "Wanted", "UFO" and "Southpaw". A little note to the band about “UFO”: The tempo was a bit too fast, boys! They were on a wet stage, for crying out loud! Were you trying to make them slip and fall or something?!? Geez!!!

(Webmaster's Note: The fact that Mie and Kei did all those dance moves on that rain slickened stage, AND in heels without taking a tumble was nothing short of remarkable!)

For the next set, they got the marching band beat going… but I don’t see a marching band anywhere. Could this lead to yet another PL song that I like so much? I dunno…Oh yes, silly me! Why didn’t I think of this before? They’re leading us into another all-time favorite: “Pink Typhoon!” Then they move to another part of the stage for another classic: “Kiss in the Dark", after that, another classic: “Fame!” 

Now it’s on to my favorite emotional ballad: “OH!” After that rather emotional rendition comes another song appropriately named: “Goodbye Love”.  Through these last two songs, KEI was so overcome with emotion that it showed on her face. After the first chorus of “Goodbye Love”, MIE started to break down emotionally. KEI’s voice broke while she sang her verse; I even felt it. Then by the final choruses, they were both in tears.  

Now the song is over, and so comes the time for departing comments: MIE & KEI thank the audience for welcoming them into their lives. This final moment was accompanied by a rendition of “Auld Lang Syne”. After thanking the audience, they thank and embrace each other while going off stage. After hearing KEI give a very emotional “Arigato”, I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. After they got on their miniature train and said “Sayonara”, I clutched stuffed pink puppy Sweetiekins and hugged her. This was indeed an emotional moment – for Mitsuyo Nemoto & Keiko Masuda… and all their fans and admirers. 

Wait a minute… they’ve returned to the stage for an encore performance: “I Was Made For Dancing”. And that’s how the show ends. But mark my words, fellow Pink Lady fans: this wasn’t the end – only the beginning – of yet another chapter in the Pink Lady legacy. Once again, I thank my fellow Chicagoan Joshua Parris for bringing Pink Lady back to my attention back in 2009, I thank Jeffrey Branch for creating the “Pink Lady America” website, and I thank Mitsuyo Nemoto & Keiko Masuda for bringing Pink Lady to this world. And most of all, I thank all of you for loving Pink Lady as much as I do. See ya next time, Think Pink, and God Bless. Sayonara!