As I reported back on June on the Headlines page, a commerorative set of Pink Lady stamps featuring Mie and Kei in the fabulous recreations of their 1970's costumes fom the dance choreography DVD's had been released in Japan and, thanks to providence, I won a set via an auction on Japan's version of Yahoo. To have been recognized with not just one stamp, but a set of 10 was quite an honor and proof of the enormous impact Pink Lady has on the entertainment culture in Japan during their long and storied career, and I'm sure it was a source of tremendous pride for Mie and Kei who, even after all these years remain as beloved as ever. But, enough babbling, on with the pictures which is what you wnat to see!

And here they are, the actual stamps! Mondo cool, aren't they? As for postage rates, 80 yen comes out to around 69 cents American

ABOVE: The front cover to the portfolio the stamps came in with the girls wearing their "UFO" costumes
BELOW: From the inside front cover featuring all the new versions of PL's classic costumes