
No, gentle reader, despite the title, this isn’t about Pink Lady and makeup, though I suspect they probably used homegrown brand Shiseido instead of the U.S. cosmetics maker. As I’ve mentioned on this website more times than I can count, during their heyday, Mie and Kei’s faces were literally EVERYWHERE, the girls were on TV often, they were advertising gold, hawking scores of products, and, as you’ll see in this feature, the girls were regularly seen on magazine covers, both alone and with popular celebrities from back in the day. And that’s the purpose of this feature, displaying some of what I’m sure are scores of covers with Pink Lady on them, what you’ll see here came from Pinterest, and I’m sure there are many more out there, and I’ll do my best to find them and present them for your viewing pleasure.

Cover Girls - Page 1

Cover Girls - Page 2

Cover Girls - Page 3

Cover Girls - Page 4