

AUGUST 5, 2007: When I got this email with the subject header: "Some sad related PL news", I feared the worst, the something tragic had happened to one of the girls. That left me apprehensive about clicking on the link about said news item, and while it wasn't about Mie or Kei, the item was just as sad: Aku Yuu, the mastermind who wrote all of Pink Lady's chart topping hit songs passed away at 70 on August 2nd after a long battle with cancer. Mr. Yuu (Real name Hiroyuki Fukada), said to have been Japan's greatest post war composer wrote an unheard of 5,000 songs after his debut in 1967, helping launch the careers of not only Pink Lady but other golden age J-Pop stars like Momoe Yamaguchi and Junko Sakurada. According to the news item, even after Mr. Yuu had been hospitalized on July 10th, he continued penning songs for an upcoming album by Nagisa Youko. It goes without saying that if it hadn't been for Mr. Yuu, Pink Lady would not have become so insanely famous thanks to the great songs he had written for them. A true titan of Japan's entertainment industry, Mr. Yuu will most definitely be missed by anyone and everyone who enjoys fun and terrific pop songs.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2007: For anyone who ever wanted to get their hands on Mie-chan's solo albums but couldn't, I've got great news to pass on! The good folks at CDJapan will be releasing all of Mie's solo works: "I My Mie", "Mie Live", "Never", "Call Girl (From Mie to You)" and "Diamond & Gold" later this month. As far as I know (and that ain't saying much where I'm concerned), this will be the first time all of Mie's albums have been released since they initially came out way back in the 80's. And, if that isn't enough, Iina, a fellow PL fan from Finland just informed me this morning that Mie will be releasing a brand new album, called "Me Ing", her first non-compilation in almost two decades. Click here for more info. That too is due out in late October. Once more info becomes available, I'll be sure to give your the full 411!

SEPTEMBER 19, 2007: Sadly, another part of the Pink Lady legend is no longer with us, according to this item from the news section of Japan-Zone: Dance choreographer Doi Hajime died yesterday morning of malignant lymphoma at a hospital in the Tokyo suburb of Mitaka. He was 70. Though he started out choreographing top artists of the 1960s like the Peanuts and the Tigers, he is best known for creating the dance routines used by the top idol singers of the 70s and 80s, including Yamaguchi Momoe, Sakurada Junko and Mori Masako. The dynamic, gyrating dance moves that helped define the raunchy image of idol duo Pink Lady in the late 70s caused a nationwide sensation at the time.

First, legendary songwriter Aku Yuu who wrote Pink Lady's hit songs last month, and now Mr. Hajime, the man responsible for the amazing dance routines that helped make Mie and Kei famous. How regrettable.


Sunrise: 1937, Sunset: 2007

SEPTEMBER 28, 2007: In the interest of equal time after the recent feature on Kei-chan's movie, I present this item for your consideration. Just the other day, fellow PL fan Lady-X told me about our old pal, Jeff Altman being in a recently released motion picture. Yep, that's right, "the other Jeff" (as I like to call him) made his way onto the silver screen. Well, kinda. The movie in question is called "Urban Decay", starring Dean Cain, one-time small screen Superman on The Adventures of Lois & Clark. If you haven't heard of the movie, don't feel bad, this was a Direct-to-Video, low budget sounding horror flick about a cabbie (Cain) chasing after a flesh eating zombie. As for Jeff, he played a part some (like Lady-X) might say was best suited to his particularly unique talents: Man in Dumpster. I can't help wondering how much quality time Jeff spent in said dumpster perfecting his role, if he had been typecast and how much screen time he actually got in the finished film. Not to sound derogatory, but I don't see that as being a career enhancing move for the other Jeff, but hey, I guess that's life in Hollywood.

OCTOBER 9, 2007: Here's something's I'll bet you'd never imagine happening: Mie and Kei sued somebody, yes, you read it right, folks, they SUED somebody! Fellow PL fan Shannon Barker sent me this item from the Internet website where Mie and Kei slapped a lawsuit on a woman's magazine called "Josei Jishin" for using their images without permission, the images in question being the Ladies performing some of their legendary dance moves from their hit songs as part of a feature on dieting through dance and sued publisher Kobunsha for 3.12 million yen in compensation. When I first read that, it took awhile to wrap my mind around the concept of Mie and Kei actually suing somebody. In a word----WOW! Out of curiosity, I checked an online currency converter to see how much 3.12 million yen would be in American dollars, well, the amount came to little over $27,000.00, hardly a whopping amount, so perhaps it was simply the principle of the matter to the girls. Still, it was pretty damn shocking if I do say so myself!