

LEFT: This ad was for Cow Brand shampoo. Yeah, I know, it sounds funny to me too!

RIGHT: This was for National (a subsidiary of Panasonic I think) air conditioners

LEFT: This ad was for "UFO" ramen noodles. The girls pushed a lot of this stuff

RIGHT: I'm not sure, but I think this ad was for camera film. Check out the PL clock!

LEFT: This was for the Pink Lady dolls in costumes from their hit songs

RIGHT: My favorite, with the girls in those sexy costomes from the National transistor radio ad

LEFT: This ad was for Pink Lady shoes, the IN thing for kids to wear back in 1978!

RIGHT: How do you say "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" in Japanese?

These ads (ABOVE: candy and BELOW: miso soup) were from the Pink Lady "Challenge Concert" program.

Pardon the lack of quality, but they were too large to scan, so I had take pictures of them instead.

LEFT: Everybody enjoys a yummy weiner, including Mie and Kei

RIGHT: Things do indeed go better with Coke! And Pink Lady is no exception!

LEFT: I know I've already used this ice cream ad, but I could resist this pic of the girls in their gorgeous gowns

RIGHT: In this ad, the girls, garbed in sailor suits (see "Pink Aegean Sea") promote "Pink Typhoon"