

ABOVE & BELOW: Despite the overwhelming odds facing them, our heroes(?) whittle down their enemies

Tank buys the farm, courtesy of Trenchcoat Man's hatchet, but he gets sliced by Shades and his katana

Boss Triad's Lackey opens up with a tommy gun, cutting down Bossman, brought to the scene by Boss Triad....

....then riddles Shades with hot lead. Just as Lackey is about to aerate his skull....

....Kei, out of bullets, uses a well-thrown knife to kill the gunman

But the damage is already done as Bossman and Shades are dead

while a smug Boss Triad looks on from the safety of his limo

RIGHT: Thought balloon----"Lousy motherf*cker! You are SO dead!"

That night, someone sneaks into Boss Triad's house and interrupts his evening of raunchy fun

and finds himself staring into the face of Death itself. And Death wears a chillingly cold look before pulling the trigger. BANG!